Last night, I heard a tremendous booming sound which resembled a huge explosion that erupted just right outside my windows.

The incredible thunder and lightning crackled through the sky and the skies released it's rain, for what it seemed like the first time all year in sunny California.

When you looked out the windows, you can see a huge outpouring of water falling from the clouds.

As in many cultures, rain is often seen as a sign of blessings from God. Rain is necessary for plants to grow, for animals to drink, for herbivores to be nourished, for carnivores to have plentiful prey, and for the grounds to maintain their moisture.

I took the opportunity to walk in the rain and feel the raindrops on my skin.

Suffice it to say, it was glorious.

The rain also provides a nice backdrop for taking pictures.

Overall, a most welcome addition to the day.